Lubes that go beyond today’s standards Start pure. Finish strong.
Petro-Canada Lubricants can save you money. As an integrated petroleum company, Petro-Canada’s first business is helping customers solve problems. From machinery or equipment operating challenges to extreme temperature and weather conditions and environmental concerns. Petro-Canada produces over 350 innovative lubricants, specialty fluids and greases that deliver greater purity, durability, multi-functionality and performance. Simply put, Petro-Canada goes beyond today’s standards in the products and services they provide. That’s why New North Fuels delivers Petro-Canada Lubes and Greases – to help our customers improve productivity and save money.
You’ve heard the expression 24/7? Well as far as I’m concerned, I know I can depend on you guys 25/8!!
– Curtis H, Elliott Lake
The people at New North are like old family friends…they’ve delivered our home heating oil for the past 15 years and I wouldn’t change a thing.
– Shirley B, Timmins
One call set up my automated delivery service. And that was 5 years ago. I’ve never worried, not a single day about it since.
– Jackie D, Sudbury